General Body Meeting: 8/11 Sunday 2 pm est
Sun, Aug 11
|Conference # (605) 472-5675 Access code: 67
MEETING OF THE UNITED FRONT OF THE HAITIAN DIASPORA THIS COMING SUNDAY August 11, 2019 AT 1PM CST / 2PM EST (Haiti, DR, NY, FL, GA, MD...) 8PM Paris via new telephone conference # (see instructions) Instructions to Participate in the Online Conference Call: (605) 472-5675 Access code: 679373#

Time & Location
Aug 11, 2019, 2:00 PM
Conference # (605) 472-5675 Access code: 67
About the Event
Instructions to Participate in the Online Conference Call:
Dial-in number (US): (605) 472-5675 Access code: 679373# International dial-in numbers: Online meeting ID: haitianunitedfront Join the online meeting:
U.S. participants are strongly encouraged to use audio by dialing the number and entering the access code listed above.
Participants in Haiti and Canada can join the meeting via Internet by clicking on the online meeting link provided above. Strongly suggest using the audio portion only and not the video to reduce bandwidth traffic.
Participants in the Dominican Republic can call a local DR number: (829) 239 8019 and enter access code; or they may join via Internet
Participants in France can call a local number in France: 07 55 51 18 28 and enter access code; or they may join via Internet.
Participants in Germany can call a local number in Germany: 221 98203452 and enter access code; or they may join via Internet.
Participants in Chile can call a local number in Chile: 2 3210 9970 and enter access code; or they may join via Internet.
Participants in Brazil can call a local number in Brazil: 17 3042 1802 and enter access code; or they may join via Internet.
Participants in Belgium can call a local number in Belgium: 02 792 02 70 and enter access code; or they may join via Internet.