Sun, Jan 05
|Via our conference line 605-472-5675
This is a reminder that we are meeting this Sunday, December 15, 2019 at 1PM CST / 2PM EST via conference call #: 605-472-5675; pin: 679373#. We intend to begin the call at 1PM, so please be on time.
Time & Location
Jan 05, 2020, 2:00 PM EST
Via our conference line 605-472-5675
About the Event
Dear officers and members of the board of the United Front of the Haitian Diaspora,
This is a reminder that we are meeting this Sunday, January 05, 2019 at 1PM CST/ 2PM EST via conference call #: 605-472-5675; pin: 679373#. We intend to begin the call at 1PM, so please be on time. The draft agenda is the following (all of the items below may not be covered in one meeting):
1) Call to Order
2) Minutes
3) Financial Report
4) Committee Reports:
>Strategic Planning Committee Report on process so far and discussion as to what the Committee is thinking substantively and what are the rest of us thinking? Joel, Johnny; Albert;
> Communications Report - Technical: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Instangram, Newsletter via Mail Chimp (Chris and Wesley);
Substantive positions Prep/edit/translation: Albert process and what we're working on;
>Disaster Relief and Mitigation: Report What's going on with the Bahamas relief effort and with whom are we collaborating? OIM and others and how do we build permanent relationship with these partners? Yvans, Albert, Firmin
>Legislative Committee: Report Where do we go from here? Albert
a) The Diaspora Vote Proposition of Law. (The window for authorizing the Diaspora Vote is through Decree not an electoral law at this time The document “The Framework for the Diaspora Vote in French and English (with the accompanying One Pager) has already been created and approved by the Committee (see attached). It is one of three subjects of our current campaigns before the Haitian Legislature and the general public. The CEP has already submitted a “Projet de Loi” to Parliament supportive of our demand for the Diaspora Vote.
L’article 364, page 63 du dit document stipule:
"L'Haitien vivant à l'étranger, ayant la qualité d'électeur, vote pour élire le Président de la République. Le CEP détermine les pays et les endroits où ce vote peut avoir lieu après s'être assuré des conditions préalables et nécessaires pour son bon fonctionnement.”
b) Constitutional Amendments: (Obviously, the window for Parliamentary amendment process has closed until five (5) year from now. There is speculation about a Constituent Assembly to bring about a New Constitution. If we decide to pursue that objective, we have to develop a detailed plan and assign specific responsibility for implementation.
c) Decentralization: This is one of goals we've set out to pursue, If we decide to keep the course, we have to develop a detailed plan and assign some specific responsibilities for implementation.
d) Other Documents on its plate but not a priority include: “ The Anti-discrimination Act” (one of our first Propositions of Law) , “United Front Solution to the Endemic and Current Crisis of Haiti” (not yet fully discussed in committee).
>Executive Committee – Albert
Proposed Amendment as to the Membership Fees to facilitate recruitment and other report
Among the priorities that its has had on its plates are (not an exclusive list)
1) Annual Retreat/Conference/General Assembly- 2020 (Firmin, Albert, Joel)
2) Recruitment of New Members and Retention of current and former members (Frantz Delice and others - Amendment of the Membership fee (Albert);
3) Registration of the Organization in Haiti (Johnny and Maitre Paul)
4) Civil Society Relations with other organizations INSIDE of Haiti (AVD,CRUNCH, OCAPH, OLA, and others); OUTSIDE of Haiti: FEDHE, ZILE Fondacion, CORHAVE/ Committee de Suivi, Chile, Jamaica, Bahamas, Canada, the internet activists Kernisant, Llio, NHAEON, AMHE, and who else? WHO WILL TAKE CHARGE OF THAT WORK AMONG US?
5) What about governmental relations inside and outside of Haiti? Who wants to specialize in these ties?
6) Special membership stuff (births, deaths, family support… Frantz)
7) Expenses for special Projects (eg Special Vendredi de la Diaspora), Workshops at NAAHP (Frantz);
8) Budget: Revenue generation and Expenses (Frantz, Lionel and ?) .
OTHER Instructions to Participate in the Online Conference Call: Dial-in number (US): (605) 472-5675 Access code: 679373# International dial-in numbers: Online meeting ID: haitianunitedfront Join the online meeting:
U.S. participants are strongly encouraged to use audio by dialing the number and entering the access code listed above. Participants in Haiti and Canada can join the meeting via Internet by clicking on the online meeting link provided above. Strongly suggest using the audio portion only and not the video to reduce bandwidth traffic. Participants in the Dominican Republic can call a local DR number: (829) 239 8019 and enter access code; or they may join via Internet Participants in France can call a local number in France: 07 55 51 18 28 and enter access code; or they may join via Internet. Participants in Germany can call a local number in Germany: 221 98203452 and enter access code; or they may join via Internet. Participants in Chile can call a local number in Chile: 2 3210 9970 and enter access code; or they may join via Internet. Participants in Brazil can call a local number in Brazil: 17 3042 1802 and enter access code; or they may join via Internet. Participants in Belgium can call a local number in Belgium: 02 792 02 70 and enter access code; or they may join via Internet.